Ułatwienia dostępu

The aim of the project

The aim of the project is to organize a social and educational experience during which participants will engage in cultural exchange. The event offers participants a space that will encourage intercultural and linguistic activities, which are important for building European potential. The project will also increase the language awareness of Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian youth.


The project name and number: 22420092, United youths of the Visegrad group

Implementation period: 01/03/2025 to 30/09/2025

Project value: €26,868.00

The project is co-financed by the Governments of the Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable
regional cooperation in Central Europe. (https://www.visegradfund.org)

Target Groups

The project is open to local school students in 12 to 15 age who are citizens of one of the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) and whose English level is A2 or B1. 

The project envisages the participation of a total of 48-51 citizens of the V4 countries according to the following proportions:

The whole communication during the project will be in English.


The teaching staff consists of 4-6 teachers from V4 countries. These are people with pedagogical education and experience in teaching people in 12-15 age.

In organizing the event, teachers will be supported by two of the leader’s employees who will act as recreation coordinators.

The teaching stuff will take care of:

Project include

With care

To prevent excessive plastic production, we will ask participants to bring reusable food and water containers.

We will also make sure that as much communication as possible will be done digitally.

We will start recruting at march 2025

Project leader

The Global Language System Foundation

The mission of the Foundation is to use knowledge of foreign languages ​​to break down barriers in contacts with Europeans and to promote and improve the quality of education as the best path to youth development.

The TGLS Foundation is the author of the TGLS Direct, Work and Smart language certifications, as well as the owner of the TGLS QA quality mark.

We also run language camps for children and youth, foreign language courses, Polish language courses for foreginers and ICT courses. These trainings are carried out from our own funds and with the participation of public funds. The Foundation’s portfolio also includes a Polish language textbook for foreigners. The Witam! series is available in both printed and digital versions.

Our statutory goals include:

The project partners

Szervatiusz Jenő Primary School

In 2019-22, the partner participated in the Erasmus K229 healthy lifestyle program “Time for movement” with the participation of people from Turkey, Spain, Portugal and Great Britain. The partner has been participating in eTwinning projects for years, where he can meet online with children from other countries.

Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika

The school runs bilingual classes within the official educational system in Slovakia. At the same time, it has been cooperating on projects within the Erasmus+ programs (Socrates, Comenius) for 19 years.


In addition to its core activity, which is formal education, the school focuses on language education and actively develops new forms of knowledge transfer. The school plays important roles in the Czech education system by preparing and implementing modern solutions in the field of education and being a local leader in supporting student entrepreneurship.

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